When you buy a share of a company you become a shareholder in that company. Shares are also known as Equities. Equities have the potential to increase in value over time. Research studies have proved that the equity returns have outperformed the returns of most other forms of investments in the long term.
If we take the Nifty index returns for the past fifteen years, Indian stock market has given a return of 16% to investors on an average in terms of increase in share prices or capital appreciation annually. Besides that an average stock has paid 1.5% dividend annually.
Thus, by investing in stocks one can participate in the wealth creation potential of stocks directly.
Blue Sky has partnered with Aditya Birla Money as a franchisee to offer Stock Broking Services. Our customers have access to specialized and comprehensive services, reviews and expert analysis in a timely manner to help them stay informed about their investments in Equities. Smart investing is all about making an informed choice.
Why invest through Blue Sky - Aditya Birla Money Limited Online Terminal?
- Access to Comprehensive Research reports.
- Integrated Market Watch (A single platform for multiple exchanges BSE – Cash, and NSE - Cash & F&O, Commodity & Currency).
- Multiple Access: Online stock trading, Mobile Trading, Trade through Branch.
- Stock Market News and Recommendations on the market watch screen.
- Various order types- Normal, Basket, spread, Cover Order & After-market Orders.
- Integrated real time Portfolio Tracker.
- Easy order entry for Equities and Derivatives.
- Online fund transfer facility.
- Viewing of real-time positions, limits and holdings.